So our office was just notified that the parking lot will be blocked off because of a rally going on for Johannes Mehserle. This rally is to support the Officer who shot Oscar Grant in Oakland after a Riot that was going on at the Bart Station. Our office building shares the parking lot with the courthouse (WC) that's why we're affected by this. We were asked NOT to park in the lot at first, but now we're asked to SHUT DOWN for the day. How inconvenient! I have work to do, and now I can't even go to work because of this. What I don't get is why the rally is here in Walnut Creek, CA. First off, the shooting was in Oakland, CA. Second, the case was handled in L.A.. Third, Walnut Creek is a completely different County from Oakland (Alameda County). Why WC?
FYI and not that any of you should care, but I am entitled to my own opinion as are you, so if you read this, don't try and convince me of what I should believe and think.
Yes, I am in favor of Johannes Mehserle. I truly believe that the Officer did not intentionally shoot the kid. In my honest opinion, this is just an excuse for people to act like idiots. The Officer is going to Prison, what else more could you want? Death penalty? You've got to be kidding me! Taking another man's life will NOT bring the kid back, first of all. Second, the people who riot and act like hoodlums are all on this bandwagon. Get off and think for yourself. Okay, you want justice, but flipping cars over and burning down buildings is not going to bring justice. You can't just do that shit just so you can get your way, that's called being idiotic and childish. All of the other Officers are just trying to do their job and prevent anything crazy to go down, why would you throw rocks at them? They have no choice and are risking their lives just to keep you idiots from tearing up the place. It takes only one idiot to start the domino effect. I hope noone gets hurt Monday.
PS In a few years, all you bandwagon hoppers won't even remember this case.